Dental Clinic Brooklyn Tips: Causes of Bleeding Gums

Dental Clinic Brooklyn Tips: Causes of Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums are mainly caused by a condition known as gingivitis, where plaque accumulates around the gum line leading to inflamed gums. Bleeding gums come about due to the following factors:

Brushing Too Hard

The use of excessive force during the brushing of teeth leads to inflammation in gums or injury to the gums, which eventually causes bleeding gums; brushes with medium or soft texture are advised for those with bleeding gums.

Bleeding Disorders

Some individuals cannot form a blood coat; most of them experience extended bleeding after injury, menstruation, or surgery. Persons with bleeding disorders are prone to bleeding gums due to the low levels of clotting protein.

Poor Diet

A diet that lacks minerals such as vitamin K and vitamin C leads to vitamin k deficiency and scurvy, which are preconditions for bleeding gums; the vitamins are essential for the effective clotting of blood.

Pregnancy Hormonal Drift

When hormones of a pregnant woman change it leads to a temporal condition known as pregnancy gingivitis; this is a condition where there is increased hormonal production making gum tissue tender and prone to bleeding. When expectant, make sure you visit a “dental clinic Brooklyn” to get the treatment you need to keep your fetus safe.

Blood Cancer

leukemia is a type of blood cancer where the platelet count in an individual is low; with a low count of platelets, blood cannot form proper clotting, hence, irregular bleeding. Persons with blood cancer are highly prone to bleeding gums.

Improperly Fitted Dentures

Dental braces that are not well fitted tend to affect jawline and root bases of teeth leading to bleeding gums, in some other instances like dental filling the use of silver fillings which expand with time causing gum inflammation then bleeding.

Mouth Infection

Some infections mostly those that affect the teeth or gum directly lead to bleeding gums like for individuals who have formed a hardened plaque, which turns into tartar leading to a condition known as periodontitis, which leaves them prone to bleeding gums.

Improper Flossing

Introducing new flossing routines tend to affect the coarseness of the gums, making them easily predisposed to bleeding. Sometimes the use of unfit materials for dental flossing causes unwanted injury to the gums leading to bleeding.

Poor Oral Hygiene

Poor dental health practices are major causative agents for bleeding gums take an example of consumption of very hot liquids that causes burns on the gums, leaving them prone to bleeding during brushing or eating.

Misaligned Bite

This comes about due to the unevenness of the jaws. Individuals bite the edges of their gums, causing the injury of wounds or swellings on the gums. These swellings and wounds tend to bleed gradually.

Intake of Blood Thinners

This is drug coagulants that aid in the proper flow of blood in veins; they are used to treat individuals who have faced previous blood clotting disorders. These drugs make the blood lose its ability of clotting hence leaving gums prone to bleeding.


Being in a constant state of anxiety causes the inflammation in blood vessels; this leads to the breakdown of soft tissues slowing the healing of bleeding gums in an individual. Stress also hinders the immune from its effective functioning hence bleeding gums.

Smoking of Tobacco

For individuals suffering from bleeding gums, exposing their already weak gum lines to tobacco contaminates their blood leading to more complicated situations.

Jaw Injuries

Self induces, or accidental injuries on the teeth like dislocation of teeth or the breaking of teeth from the root canal leads to bleeding gums, gums are vulnerable to pricks from sharp objects.

Change of Tooth Brush

The shift from an old toothbrush with softer fibers to a new one with coarse strands irritates supple gums leading to bleeding.

Immunity Decreasing Diseases

Conditions like those individuals with HIV lack a roper immune to fight diseases like gum disease, leaving the gums prone to bleeding.

Old Age

Individuals tend to grow weaker gum lines as they age; this leads to bleeding gums to persons who don’t observe proper oral hygiene.

Genetic Susceptibility

Some genetic traits obtained from parents leave an individual highly prone to periodontal diseases, which lead to bleeding gums in extreme situations.

Some medications bring about a dry mouth or thin the blood, leading to conditions that provoke gum bleeding.

The Bottom-line

In conclusion, gum bleeding is brought about by oral practices that irritate or hinder the gum line from carrying out its basic function. Receding gums from bleeding gums condition can be restored to previous state. To begin, search for a “dental clinic Brooklyn” that offers proper dental services.

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