Quality Dentures Near me Brooklyn 11229: Tips to Keep Dentures in Place

Quality Dentures Near me Brooklyn 11229: Tips to Keep Dentures in Place

About 15 percent of the population has dentures made every year.

You are walking along the road when suddenly you feel your dentures slip. Or, you are in front of a crowd presenting on your favorite topic when you feel your dentures slipping, and you have to do all you can to keep them in place.

You might be playing contact sports, then you come in contact with another person, and the dentures fall out. In another scenario, you are eating food then you realize that the dentures that have been fitted are slipping out. Your first reaction will be to look for the best “dentures near me Brooklyn 11229” clinic you can get, but there are a few things you can do before you come in for assistance.

All these and other scenarios prove that you need to keep the dentures intact at all times. While they are meant to stay in the exact place all the time, various factors can make them loose and mobile around your mouth. These include:

  • Bone resorption. This is the process where the gums begin shrinking because they don’t have something to hold in place. Usually, they wrap around the root of the tooth, and this makes them retain their integrity. When there is nothing for the gums to hold on to, the bone will start to shrink to cover up the missing teeth’ holes.
  • Wear and tear is another common problem that makes the dentures loose. Since you are using them every day, they will start wearing down, and with time they will lose the initial attachment to the gums.

But because you are missing teeth and need them to talk and eat, you will have to learn how to keep the dentures in place all the time. However, some new and experienced users usually find that it is tough keeping their dentures in place, making them feel nervous about interacting with their peers.

Here are a few tips to help you keep the dentures in place:

Practice Makes Perfect

Using dentures properly needs you to keep on using them when you perform daily functions such as chewing, talking, and even singing. Once fitted, you will begin by retaining the dentures in your mouth for at least 24 hours; then, you have to keep the dentures in place for at list 2 hours each day.

Eating with dentures instead of natural teeth can be strange at first. This is because it takes time to get used to the new teeth. You will begin by eating soft foods then go to harder foods with time. Remember that when you aren’t used to the dentures, you might end up dislodging them when you eat.

As you gain confidence, you will work your way up, tackling harder foodstuffs.

Swap Sticky Foods for Mouthwash

People that use dentures struggle so much to chew sticky foods. This is because the gum might stick in the dentures and dislodge them.

If you experience slippage when chewing something sticky such as gum, it is wise that you opt for mouth wash or mints to keep the dentures in place. If you cannot keep bad odor away without chewing gum, see the “dentures near me Brooklyn 11229” dentist for some advice on what to use instead.

Keep them Moist

The base of the dentures is usually made up of a flexible polymer. The flexibility allows the device to fit along the ridge. When the polymer is moist, it is easy to slide the dentures into a position without a lot of struggle.

One of the mistakes that many people do is to let the polymer dry out. This makes the material brittle. This is why you need to keep the dentures in a glass of cold water to maintain a soft base.

Ask for Adjustment of the Dentures from Experts

If the dentures don’t seem to fit perfectly, you need to schedule an appointment with the dentist offering “dentures near me Brooklyn 11229 services” to adjust them for a perfect fit. This is usually ideal when you have had the dentures for a long time, and they might have changed shape.

Use the Right Adhesive

Some dentures don’t need you to keep them in place using an adhesive, while others require the adhesive. You can purchase the adhesive in the form of powder or paste, which you apply to the dentures base to keep them in place the whole day.

How Can You Find “Dentures near me Brooklyn 11229” Services?

You can start by searching for the term on a local search engine or call us to schedule an appointment today. We have all you need to make your dental needs a reality.

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