Advanced Dental Brooklyn Tips: Dealing with Knocked-out Teeth

Advanced Dental Brooklyn Tips: Dealing with Knocked-out Teeth

Injuries sustained from contact sports or accidents can cause severe damage to a person’s teeth. Broken teeth affect appearance, but they also expose you to bacteria that can cause infection.

Sustaining injuries can also cause your teeth to be knocked out completely. Fortunately, such teeth can be implanted back to your gums, and you may not need to throw them away. According to statistics, millions of teeth get knocked out each year.

When it comes to handling a knocked-out tooth, time is of the essence. If you are quick enough, a dentist can replant the tooth back. The goal is for this to be done before its nerves and tissues die off. The sooner it is replaced, the better chance it has to reattach back to the root. This is done with the help of a dentist, if possible, within 60 minutes.

There are various steps you need to take in case this happens to you.

Locate the tooth

Once the tooth falls off, pick it by holding the crown. The crown is the part that is often visible above the gums. Do not touch the roots as this can minimize the chances of salvaging it. The root of the tooth is very sensitive and can quickly get damaged.

Clean It

In case the tooth is dirty, rinse it using milk, contact lens solution, or water. Avoid using any soap or abrasives. Do not scrub the tooth as well.

Attempt a Replacement

Once you rinse the tooth, try and place it back to the socket using your fingers then bite it down. Your gum may already be sore and bleeding, so ensure you place the tooth as gently as you can. If possible, use a mirror to ensure that you position the tooth correctly. Once you are done inserting the tooth, bite down on a clean piece of cloth to hold it in position.

You can also place the tooth in milk, saline, or saliva to keep it moist. A knocked-out tooth can be kept in water for 15 minutes, in saliva for half an hour, and in milk for an hour. You may also place it under your lip next to the cheek, but ensure you do not swallow it.

Get to an Advanced Dental Brooklyn facility.

Whether you can place the tooth back or not, ensure that you see a dentist immediately. At the dental facility, a specialist will ensure that the tooth has been reattached correctly. You will also receive any necessary medication, especially for the pain. If tissue laceration occurred during injury, you might even be given some antibiotics.  The healing process can take between two and eight weeks.

Years of study have indicated that the success rate of replanted teeth ranges between 4 and 50 percent. It is for this reason that most people are considering root treatment over tooth replacement.

In cases where the replacement is still possible, it must be done within a few minutes after the accident. Doing this ensures restoration of the soft tissues around the tooth within a few weeks in most patients. If the tooth is not reattached after one hour, chances of success are very minimal.

To avoid the loss of teeth, coaches and parents advise that preventative measures be taken. Such include the use of mouth guards. Players are also advised to bring balanced salt solutions during each game session.

Most dental units have some staff on standby to handle emergency cases. In case of a knocked-out tooth, call the dentist beforehand. Provide as much detail about the emergency as possible. In case you have dental insurance, have the necessary information at hand to speed up the process. Even if the tooth cannot be reattached, you still need to get checked since you are at risk of contracting an infection and other complications.

The dentist will help determine the best alternative treatment in this case. Some of these include:

  • A dental bridge in case you have lost more than one tooth
  • A dental implant – this is the best option. An artificial tooth that is identical to the lost tooth will be cemented in the gap, allowing it to integrate with your other teeth.
  • Partial dentures or flippers. This is a removable retainer that can be snapped into the gap. Not only are flippers the cheapest, but also the most disliked.

You can also decide to do nothing with the gap, especially if it is located at the back of the mouth.

Final Thoughts

This process only applies to adult teeth. In case a child knocks out their baby teeth, nothing needs to be done since a permanent tooth will soon grow in the same place. Visit an “advanced dental Brooklyn” clinic to get the best assistance.

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